Financial info that is changing families lives. Kick start your 2019 with more money

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    Be sure to watch this video in its entirety as this is powerful information to change your life. If you want to do some big things and change your life in 2019, I strongly recommend you  connect with me. Schedule your free consultation by clicking    To attend our next free seminar or […]

Powerful testimonies of Financial Literacy campaign

Posted Leave a commentPosted in 401K, Budget, Cashflow, College, Debt Free, Emergency fund, Entrepreneur, Savings, Speaking engagements

  To attend any of our next financial literacy workshop click or to speak with me directly to join our campaign for financial help or learn about the business to earn $1-10K part time on a flexible schedule call 973-842-7927 or click

The importance of Saving & why you should save ASAP

Posted Leave a commentPosted in 401K, Budget, Cashflow, Coins Mindset, Business/Personal Development, College, Debt Free, Retirement, Savings, Speaking engagements

  If you were not in the room and missed our financial abundance and manifestation event, be sure to attend the next event by clicking   Also after watching video, please schedule your free financial check up to help you SAVE more and ASAP by calling 973-842-7927 or click

4th Annual Women Empowerment Fierce, Fabulous & Unstoppable Summit & Awards

Posted Leave a commentPosted in Coins Mindset, Business/Personal Development, Entrepreneur, Generate Income, Earn Money, Save Money, Invest Money, Personal Finance, Monetization, Life Insurance, Retirement, Speaking engagements

Financial literacy is not a dream but rather a priority. This is a topic not often understood or discussed. Our goal and my purpose is to educating families to be financially literate thus they can make better decisions with regards to their money thus becoming  financially independent and free.   Here am talking about different […]

Will you be one of the milion families to be financially FREE & educated by 2020?

Posted Leave a commentPosted in Debt Free, Emergency fund, Entrepreneur, Generate Income, Earn Money, Save Money, Invest Money, Personal Finance, Monetization, Investment, Life Insurance, Savings, Speaking engagements

  If you don’t have millions or a plan how to get millions, retire rich, be debt free, stop living paycheck to paycheck, send your kids to college student loan or debt free & create generational wealth to pass on then you NEED to speak with me regarding our financial literacy campaign to help 1 […]

The importance of Financial Management and Stacking Your Coins!

Posted Leave a commentPosted in Budget, Cashflow, Coins Mindset, Business/Personal Development, Debt Free, Emergency fund, Generate Income, Earn Money, Save Money, Invest Money, Personal Finance, Monetization, Life Insurance, Savings, Speaking engagements

  Statistics shows that most american are 1 to 2 paychecks from being homeless. One to 3 Americans are in debt. 13 trillion dollars are sitting in US banks earning less than 1% and 63% of us can’t deal with an emergency bill for $500 so understanding personal financial management is in dire need   […]

Why everyone need to know the 10/20 rule?

Posted Leave a commentPosted in Budget, Cashflow, Debt Free, Emergency fund, Generate Income, Earn Money, Save Money, Invest Money, Personal Finance, Monetization, Savings, Speaking engagements, taxes

  What is the 10/20 rule? How can you apply it to your life? Well after watching this video, let’s connect to help you implement a strategy and get your free financial check up. Click