Not knowing about your money can trap you

Posted Leave a commentPosted in Generate Income, Earn Money, Save Money, Invest Money, Personal Finance, Monetization, Savings

  Recent study shows: Survey: 36% of Americans wished they’d saved more in 2017 11% regretted falling into debt, 11% wish they’d invested Make 2018 the year you get smarter about your money   For 2018, I challenge you to take control of your money and save your future. Here are my tips to help […]

Who’s ready to stack their COINS?

Posted Leave a commentPosted in Generate Income, Earn Money, Save Money, Invest Money, Personal Finance, Monetization, Savings

Who’s ready to stack their COINS?     As always here are the big take aways and action items to implement in order to get the most from this video and to help you catch these coins: Open a separate online savings account that is linked to your checking account for automatic withdrawal deposit into […]

You can make money or you can make excuse. Which one will it be?

Posted Leave a commentPosted in Coins Mindset, Business/Personal Development, Generate Income, Earn Money, Save Money, Invest Money, Personal Finance, Monetization

You can make money or you can make excuse. Which one will it be?   Which one will it be? It is so easy and simple to make money on the side with your existing skills. In this social media and advance technology era that we’re in, you simply cannot afford not to.   If […]

Are you a producer or a consumer?

Posted Leave a commentPosted in Environmental friendly, Go Green, Clothing Swap, Fashion, Generate Income, Earn Money, Save Money, Invest Money, Personal Finance, Monetization

Are you a producer or a consumer?   If you are a producer then you are a: Boss Make or create products and services You sell products or services You are always in creating mode You are generating revenue or always thinking about making money especially during holidays You are an investor   If you […]