Life InsuranceSavingsSpeaking engagementstaxes

What are the 3 ways your money gets TAXED?


Tax Now:

  1. Checking
  2. Savings
  3. CD
  4. Stock
  5. Mutual Fund


Tax Deferred or Tax Later:

  1. 401k / 403b
  2. IRA / SEP – IRA
  3. Annuity
  4. Pension
  5. Long Term Care Benefit


Tax Exempt or Tax Advantage:

  1. Roth IRA
  2. 529 College Savings
  3. Municipal Bond
  4. Health Saving (Account HSA)
  5. Life Insurance


If you have any one of these accounts and you need help to further understand how to best maximize for your specific financial needs, then let’s connect by booking your free financial check up. Click


Because not knowing today can cost you more tomorrow. No one cares more about your finance than you yourself.


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